Carlos “Storm” Martinez
Phonon headphones mix really translate
I 1st tried the prototype headphones a few months ago. Alex and I did a few comparison tests against my Sony 7502’s–making sure volume was matched-and they outperformed them all around.
I’ve been using them exclusively since then and they’ve vastly improved my workflow. My normal workflow would be design in the cans, then turn on my blue sky system to set levels and mix. Now I can get levels set in the headphones.
Also placement and LFE mixing are possible for me as the phonon headphone mixes really translate well when the mix come thru the 5.1 monitors.
During all phases of the edit and mix w/ SMB-02
I recently worked on a film called GOD OF LOVE that won the Oscar for Best Live Action Short. The Phonon headphones really worked well during all phases of the edit and mix. Really being able to fine tune levels at my small place enables us to save time and money on the Dub stage.
Since everything is pretty much locked by the time we get there, we are only doing minor tweaks. My mixing partner at the dub stage always compliments me on how good the mixes sound when we start and I always tell him it’s because we spend a good amount of time in my room tweaking things.
The phonon headphones really help with that by their ability to reproduce a full spectrum listening experience while not causing any ear fatigue.
Lastly, now that I can mix without using my speakers at calibrated volume-my wife seems to like my work much more.
Thanks Phonon